
Select all the situations that can be modeled with an equation. The sale price of a television is $125 off of the original price. Anna gave away 5 hats. Marco spent twice as much as Owen. Susan earns $25 per day for d days. Ben paid a total of $75 for a shirt and a pair of shoes.

Accepted Solution

The situations that can be modeled with an equation are:1. The sale price of a television is $125 off of the original price.Let the original price of TV be=xSale price = [tex]x-125[/tex]Let sale price be S so equation is : S= [tex]x-125[/tex]3. Marco spent twice as much as Owen. Let Owen spent = xThen Macro spent = 2xLet Macro spends $y , So, equation becomesy = 2x5. Ben paid a total of $75 for a shirt and a pair of shoes.Let 'x' represent the cost of a shirt and 'y' represents the cost of a pair of shoes then equation becomes:[tex]x+y=75[/tex]